Expert advice on TUPE rules and regulations

By: Maria Holt

Confused about TUPE rules? Worried about whether your company is affected? Employers Direct is on hand to offer expert free advice on TUPE, helping you avoid expensive pitfalls that could leave your business exposed.

The Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) came into place to safeguard employees’ jobs should a business or contract be transferred from one supplier to another. This could happen due to a merger, when all or part of a business is sold or when a major contract moves between providers.

Expert step by step guidance through TUPE law

If your business is affected in this way, it’s essential you receive expert TUPE advice from someone who knows the law and can help you through the process step-by-step. That’s why so many companies turn to Employers Direct for free advice on TUPE.

Under TUPE law, the contracts of employees must be transferred in total. This means all their terms and conditions of employment have to remain the same, from pensions to holiday entitlement and everything in-between.

Whether your company is large or small, it’s your responsibility to consult with employees, offering TUPE advice and guidance along with written notice on affected staff and their contracts.

Saving your business time, worry and expense

Failure to meet the demands of any aspect of TUPE law can leave your business open to expensive and time-consuming tribunal claims. You can make sure that doesn’t happen with free expert TUPE advice from Employers Direct, one of the UK’s leading employment law resources.

For fast free advice on TUPE, all Employers Direct right away on 0800 144 4050.