A quick and easy way to calculate holiday pay...

By: Maria Holt

Work out holiday pay the easy way with help from Employers Direct.

We’re an employment law helpline set up to give free advice to small UK businesses, like yours.

So whether you need help getting your sums right or want legal advice on holiday pay laws, call today and get the answers you need, instantly. Call now on 0800 144 4050

Holiday pay calculated for any worker when you call Employers Direct

93% of callers ask us the same thing: “How do you calculate holiday pay?” And 93% of callers get their questions answered in less than 3 minutes…

Because we work out how much you need to give your people using our holiday pay calculator for hourly-paid staff.

So you get fast and accurate holiday pay calculations for any worker—whether they need full-time, part-time or zero-hour contract holiday pay.

Get expert legal advice, too

We give you expert advice on how to meet the UK Working Time Regulations on holiday pay, plus answers to your trickiest holiday pay questions.

Like, what happens when your staff only work part-time or do overtime? Is holiday pay included in salary? And if your worker is on a zero-hour contract, are they entitled to holiday pay?

Let our legal experts take the jargon out of holiday pay laws and help keep you and your business safe.

Trusted by 28,517 businesses nationwide

When holiday pay laws change, it’s hard to keep up. That’s why 28,517 businesses trust Employers Direct to help them meet the latest UK rules and regulations. We’ll do the same for you.

Get your free advice on holiday pay. Call Employers Direct now on 0800 144 4050