Employment Tribunal advice from the experts

By: Hayley Orchard

At Employers Direct our experts in Employment Law provide you with free, no obligation advice. This 24 hour service is there to give you, the employer the peace of mind that can be invaluable when matters such as an Employment Tribunal are putting your business at risk.

If you’re an employer who is facing an Employment Tribunal we know exactly how to approach each case. Understanding the procedures and all the current legislation is key to our success.

We can solve your employee tribunal issues

Through correct and stringent preparation we gather all the facts and details in a logical fashion before presenting our case in a precise and compelling way. Our 30 years of experience means we know what the Tribunal panel are looking for and concentrate our effort on the issues that matter most.

On average we deal with over 3,000 Employment Tribunal cases every year. Due to the impact we have, the majority of these never make it to the final stages. We know that the thought of a Tribunal can be a frightening prospect that can cause you unwanted stress and take your time away from doing what you do best. We can help you avoid that whether we are simply giving you free advice or taking control and preparing each step of your response.

Giving you a peace of mind that saves you time, worry and money

As well as saving your time and the worry of dealing with an Employment Tribunal, Employers Direct can also save you money. Our experience allows us to deal with your issue in the swiftest possible manner and if we can help you avoid an expensive Tribunal then our job is complete.

To get free advice on Employment Tribunals today, call Employers Direct now on 0800 144 4050.