By: Hayley Orchard

At the peak of coronavirus infection, at least 20% of the UK workforce is likely to be off work sick

Protect your business now—call our expert HR advisers to find out how to manage the virus’s impact on your workplace, including:

  • Whether to pay staff who are off sick with coronavirus
  • How to know if people should work from home
  • If parents can stay off work when schools close
  • What to do if staff self-isolate (stay at home in self-quarantine)
  • How to deal with people returning from at-risk areas
  • What to do if someone starts showing coronavirus symptoms
  • How to promote proper staff hygiene at work

Coronavirus business advice

The coronavirus is expected to get worse before it gets better, with the rate of transmission far higher than previous outbreaks, like SARS in 2003.

That means you need to be ready for your workforce being affected, and the impact that statutory sick pay (SSP), sick leave—or worse—may have on running your livelihood.

And while we can’t give you medical advice, we can give you the best level of HR and employment law support. Fast and free.

So call any time—even if it’s 3am on a bank holiday—there’s always someone here to give you staff management advice.

Call now on 0800 144 4050

Why call Employers Direct?

Employers Direct is the free HR advisory body for UK small businesses. For more than 30 years, we’ve helped employers work through their toughest times.

And we do it for employers only, meaning we have your best interests at heart.

We guarantee never to send your call to distant lands, so you only speak to a qualified UK-based HR specialist…

One quick conversation and workplace coronavirus support is yours.

Call Employers Direct today to speak with a workplace coronavirus HR specialist on 0800 144 4050.